Kubota Chikashi

Kubota Chikashi, a renowned talent in Japanese animation (Dragon Ball, Suzume, One Punch Man…), will be attending Made in Asia on March 7, 8, and 9, 2025!

Kubota Chikashi is an iconic Japanese artist whose talent has left a mark on many legendary anime and animated films. He has contributed to works such as One Punch Man, Full Metal Alchemist, Space Dandy, and the film Suzume, where he played a key role in crafting animated sequences filled with emotion and poetry.

But his influence doesn’t stop there: he has shone and continues to elevate the Dragon Ball saga (Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Super Hero, Dragon Ball Super Broly, Dragon Ball Daima…).

With his unique style and meticulous attention to detail, Kubota Chikashi is truly a legend in the Japanese animation industry.

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet him on March 7, 8, and 9, 2025, at Made in Asia at the Brussels Expo!

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