La Looterie

“Creature” die

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20 resin die with a mimic inside. Size: 60mm by 60mm.

“2 thousand years ago, the floating archipelago of the West was under the yoke of a powerful lich. Its strength and thirst for conquest were such that its reign threatened the neighboring kingdoms. Many adventurers were sent to defeat it, but without success. It was a young ingenious bard who achieved this feat. She had trained for years to develop a spell capable of freezing a creature by locking it in a stone. Once ready, she went to meet the lich and cast her spell, locking the powerless creature in a ruby. The bard became a heroine, her spell became popular, and was named in honor of its inventor: the prison of Elthea.

Today, this is the spell we use to create our resin prisons.”

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